Friday, May 13, 2011

The Plush Chaise Lounge

In the study, dressing room or the living room, this luxurious yet super comfy chaise lounge is perfect for an afternoon just lazing around at home with a good book.

French suede chaise lounge  W160xD98xH68cm (SGD$770)

For more chaise lounge designs or to order email


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today I'm Lovin'...

frames of different shapes and sizes splattered on the wall.

You can put up anything you fancy so don't just limit yourself to holiday,wedding, family photos. If there's a postcard or a picture from a magazine you love, even a black and white pic from a newspaper, cut it out and frame it up!


Monday, May 2, 2011

The Standout Side Table

Don't leave out the side table when planning for the furniture in your home. It's small but very useful.  Look for those with drawers for more storage space!

Harry Louis Nightstand SGD$289

To order email
